How are you today!? Isn't this weather just A-MA-ZING today!?
It finally feels like Summer and a very good reason to push forward and keep focused on our goals so today is DAY 3 of my challenge and my body is feeling VERY stiff.
I was told today by my yoga teacher that it was normal and that I should see my 30-day challenge as a journey, without expectations (yeah right! If I don't lose a bit of weight, I'm going to be well pissed off) but all I need to focus on tomorrow is to turn up to the class and can do that.
While my body feels very stiff, my mind is very very focused so I'm going do after day.
This morning I got a direct message via Twitter from someone who was thanking me for inspiring her to start eating healthily and for kicking off her weight-loss to lose 2 stones and this really made me happy
I have equal admiration for the women out there who have a super fit yoga body and the years of commitment and dedication this must have required and for those who want to lose weight.
Losing weight is super hard. It requires a huge amount of commitment and focus but I think if we focus on feeling good and eating healthily, the weight loss will come and all we need to do is to focus one day at the the time.
It finally feels like Summer and a very good reason to push forward and keep focused on our goals so today is DAY 3 of my challenge and my body is feeling VERY stiff.
I was told today by my yoga teacher that it was normal and that I should see my 30-day challenge as a journey, without expectations (yeah right! If I don't lose a bit of weight, I'm going to be well pissed off) but all I need to focus on tomorrow is to turn up to the class and can do that.
While my body feels very stiff, my mind is very very focused so I'm going do after day.
This morning I got a direct message via Twitter from someone who was thanking me for inspiring her to start eating healthily and for kicking off her weight-loss to lose 2 stones and this really made me happy
I have equal admiration for the women out there who have a super fit yoga body and the years of commitment and dedication this must have required and for those who want to lose weight.
Losing weight is super hard. It requires a huge amount of commitment and focus but I think if we focus on feeling good and eating healthily, the weight loss will come and all we need to do is to focus one day at the the time.
Morning Snack: banana Afternoon Snack: 2 nectarines + plenty of water throughout the day
Lunch (on the go)
175g cooked Kings prawns + half an avocado + 1 spoon of olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
Comment ca va aujourd'hui? Il fait un temps de rêve aujourd'hui à Londres!!!
On dirait que l'été est enfin arrivé, ce qui nous donne une super raison pour rester focaliser sur notre but. Aujourd'hui est le 3ème jour de mon challenge et j'ai mal partout! Enfin non ce n'est pas vrai, j'ai surtout mal derrière les jambes et j'ai l'impression d'être raide comme un piquet.
Mon prof de yoga m'a dit que c'était normal et que je devais aborder le challenge comme un voyage perso, sans attente (c'est ça oui! Si je ne perds pas quelques kilos au bout des 30 jours, je vais être super excédée) mais bon, le but demain est d'aller au cours de yoga et ca, je peux le faire.
Malgré les courbatures, je suis super méga motivée et je vais y arriver...un jour après l'autre.
Ce matin, j'ai reçu un message via Twitter de quelqu'un qui me remerciait de l'avoir motivé à manger sain et équilibré et que cela l'avait encouragé à perdre les 12 kilos qu'elle a en trop et cela m'a fait super plaisir.
J'ai autant d'admiration pour les femmes qui ont un magnifique corps de yogi car je suis consciente que ce sont des années passées à manger équilibrer et à prendre soin de soi que celles qui ont beaucoup de kilos à perdre.
Perdre ses kilos est super difficile et cela demande beaucoup de motivation sur la distance mais je pense que si l'on se focalise sur notre bien-être et une nourriture saine, équilibrée mais bonne, la perte de poids viendra toute seule. One day at the time....
Petit Déj:
150g St Helen Goat Yogurt & 120g de myrtilles
Morning Snack: banane Afternoon Snack: 2 nectarines + 2 lt d'eau dans la journée
Salade de crevettes épicées avec du boulgour (voir la recette ici) Super facile à faire et délicieux! + une moitié d'avocat, 1 cuillère à soupe d'huile d'olive et de vinaigre balsamic.
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