I'm very excited to join the Pin It Forward UK campaign. I meant to attend their launch last April but it took place during the week I got really ill and there were not a lot of things I could do from my sick bed except pinning gorgeous, inspiring things for my home on Pinterest which was quite ironic :-)
I'm sure you've all heard of Pinterest by now but if you haven't, I think it's the best thing invented since sliced bread!
I'm a HUGE fan of Pinterest and use it a lot personally and for work (i.e. for BODIE and FOU) to store in one place all the thing that really inspire me.On the personal side, I pin all the things that I'm passionate about so you will find lots of inspring images about interior design, food, fashion, health & fitness on my Pinterest.
I love white interiors and two of my favourite designers are Jacqueline Morabito and Paola Navone so I collect images of their work and interiors.
I collect little creative projects to do at home with my daughter Mila, yummy recipes to cook for my family and friends.
Always trying to think on the positive side, I also have a board with things that have a happy vibe to cheer me up when I feel a bit down and I have boards featuring photos of my home in London and also photos of our holiday home in France.
And lately, I've also started a board on Bikram Yoga and I often go back to my workout inspiration board to keep motivated.
We use Pinterest as a social media tool as well to promote the BODIE and FOU collection, BODIE and FOU Sale.
So if you haven't joined the amazing Pinterest wagon, go on! You can register and follow my boards here.
Tomorrow, check out La Petite Fleur De Londres, Natalia will tell you how Pinterest works for her and you can follow her boards here.
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