If every time I mention this, someone learns about copyright infringement, then it's better than nothing.
Last week alone, I dealt with a copyright infringement issue in Denmark on Monday and ended the week with one in the US so here is the deal (or rather the definition):
Copyright infringement is the use of works under copyright, infringing the copyright holder's exclusive rights, such as the right to reproduce, distribute, display or perform the copyrighted work, or to make derivative works, without permission from the copyright holder, which is typically a publisher or other business representing or assigned by the work's creator.
In P-L-A-I-N language, it means that you can NOT use an image for commercial use that you do not own. So even if you are a Wizzard at photoshop, you are not allowed to use someone's else pictures to present for instance your collection of prints or illustrations.
You can not use an image found on Pinterest as a backdrop to show what your art/prints/illustrations might look like hung on a wall.
It puzzles me when this type of issues come from artists/designers...surely they wouldn't like to have their work stolen or copied so why do they think that stealing someone's photos and styling is ok.
And then you have copycats like her...
I can't really be bothered to go on about her and I thought instead I would channel my anger into a bit of humour (and I warmly thank Rankin who took this iconic shot of Heidi Klum for letting me using it for this post).
If you wish to write about someone's work, please Credit with love.
Ideally ask for permission (some Photographers do not like their work to be featured on blogs).
Mention the Photographer/the Stylist and link to their sites so they get some kind of commercial value vs you using content they created on your blog.
Sharing is caring.
As bloggers, illustrators, photographers, creative people, we have the chance to do something we love so let's do this with integrity and respect.
Respect the work of others, respect yourself. As I said last time, you'll find it a lot more fulfilling to do things yourself rather than copying or stealing someone else work.
Interesting links if you wish to educate yourself:
* How to avoid copyright infringement
* Financial penalties
(C) Rankin. Please note the use of this image for my post was approved by Rankin team.
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