Friday, January 24, 2014

What are you up to this weekend?

Tomorrow, we are having lunch with friends who moved back to France a few months ago so I think I'll make my gluten-free banana muffins again since the last batch was a success.
I will share the recipe with you afterwards because they are delicious and it's a great way to use all those bananas that go black and that the kids refuse to eat.

Sunday morning, I'm off to Pariiiiis! Mega excited to see my mum and my sister for a week!
While I'm here, I was wondering if there was a specific topic you would love me to cover...
1/ great gluten-free restaurants in Paris
2/ cool kids shops
3/ inspiring design & interiors shop
Let me know....

Le programme de la semaine:
//Sunday: lunch time off to trade show Playtime to catch up with friends and see Michelle's stunning exhibition
//Monday: off to Maison & Objet followed by diner with Will from Bright Bazaar, Arianna from Heart Home magazinand Igor from Happy Interior
//Tuesday: Hairdresser (the one my sister hasn't killed yet) so will see...frange ou pas frange. Then M&O) again, then diner with my my two best friends
//Wednesday: working from my sister place in The Batignolles
//Thursday: pareil
//Friday: Photoshoot with François Köng and the beautiful and talented Morgane Sézalory from Sézane (her site is totally addictive!).

The health challenge for me this week is to keep walking my 10K steps/day and stay away from those delicious French baguettes which is usually my downfall when I go to France (bread and cheese...forget it!)
 I have decided that eating gluten is really not worth the aggravation and I want to keep focused on my health & fitness program.
If you haven't started the running plan and want to (up to you hey..I'm not forcing anyone): check out the link in French here and in English there

Oh and of course like last time, I will put some things my sister wants to sell on Instagram so watch out ;-)

Have a fab WE and week. Bises

//Via Sincerely Kinsley


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