Tuesday, February 26, 2013

What most schools don't teach | Life with Mila

I thought it was a very interesting video...
I know sometimes we look at successful people thinking how did they do it? Well...that's just it, they did it! They didn't spend years thinking...umm I don't know how to do this or that, they just gave it a go, tried, sometimes failed and tried again.
After I wrote this post about blogging, I got a few comments from people who were scared of even starting a blog. Starting a blog is one of the easiest thing you can do, so if it's something that has been on your mind for a while, just do it!
It's a wonderful creative process and before thinking that it may become something that could bring you some income or not, take the pressure off it by looking at it, as your creative window. Let's face it when you start, not many people will read your stuff anyway :-)
Over the past seven years and since I've started blogging, I have taught myself about html code, photoshop, taking better photos, styling. I have connected and met an amazing amount of creative, interesting, warm women and while some are on the other side of the world, I have had an amazing, strong connection with them because we share the same passion for interior design, decoration, kids designs and beautiful, inspiring things as a whole and I'm hugely grateful for that.

Tonight I took Mila to Ikea (see my Instagram). She wasn't really keen but as soon as we arrived she picked up one of the pencils and paper they give at the entrance and decided to rate all their designs (IKEA watch out!)
In one area, she sat at a desk to write her blog post (let me reassure you, she is 8, she hasn't got a blog!) but as I was looking at her, I thought about all these creative career opportunities we are making for the next generation of women. I have no idea what Mila will end up doing but I hope she will end up with a job she loves like I do.


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