Wednesday, July 17, 2013

New Year resolutions in July...ben quoi!?

This morning, I woke up again at 4am (if you want to know why, here is your answer) with lots of energy and the desire to ditch everything* and start again to reconnect with my inner creative self (no I never rest, I will sleep when I'm dead!)

* Resolution no 1: 
Actually do something with these Photoshop tutorials I keep saving on Pinterest

* Resolution no 2: 
Take real photos again rather than being lazy using my iPhone (how many of us fell into this trap?!).
My iPhone is leaving today to travel with my kiwi friend to be fixed in Hong Kong at a reasonable price since I refused point blank to be fleeced by Apple again. This means that I'll be off Instagram for a while and not glued to my phone which has became, let's face it, an extension of my arm. 
I could find a replacement phone while mine is getting some TLC but I have decided to go without it for a few weeks as an experiment (which I may regret dearly....). Day 1 and I'm having palpitations...

* Resolution no 3:
Revamp the blog, ditch the old posts & start fresh with a new format, new categories that reflect more the person I am now. I mean I started the blog 8 years ago and obviously as a person I have changed, got older and wiser (si si)
This year alone has been tremendous in personal change when it comes to fitness and health and my approach to life in general. 
I'm now a smoke-free, coke zero-free, gluten-free person and I feel a lot better for it so I would like the new format to reflect this.

I'm thinking having categories like Interiors, Creative projects, Inspiring places to eat & work (to reflect my new contribution in The Simple Things magazine), Fashion (Kids & Women), Some Interviews maybe...

Are you happy with that? Do you have any suggestions, old/new features that you would like to see ?
Do you still want the blog in French & English?
Can you also let me know if the pages download quickly your end and if you have any issues commenting etc...

Many many thx!

*well mostly the blog



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